MCSM Marketing Consultancy provides four basic services toassist companies who either are exporting or have an interestin becoming more international. These services address keyaspects of the preparation and implementation of an exportstrategy.Assisting companies with developing export business plansquite often will also involve market research since thedevelopment of a proper export business plans does requireaccurate and up-to-date market information. All otherservices can be hired either as a unique serviceindependently or in combination with each other.
Sales Management services
Business Plans and Strategic Marketing are essentialrequirements for a successful expansion; however, eventuallyeverything boils down to sales. Once the homework has beendone and the strategy and business plan are clear it needs tobe implemented and monitored. MCSM offers a set of SalesManagement services that benefit our clients in various ways.MCSM Services is not an Agent or Manufacturer’sRepresentative and does not desire to act as one. Althoughmany of our assignments also require MCSM Services toundertake sales activities on behalf of our clients it needs tobe noted that these activities always are to be part of aproject with a larger scope.
The objective of our training service is to (further) developthe skills of your staff allowing them to be more effectivewhen working on your international expansion. MCSM Services offers the following training options:•Workshop Agent/Distributor search.•Workshop Distributor Management.•Value Proposition Analysis and Program Development.•Master course “Doing business in The USA”.•Seminars on various issues relating to internationalmarketing and sales.
Virtual Presence
Sometimes the desired international growth path requires alocal presence in Europe other than through distributors oragents. This local presence is part of an important processcalled localization. Localization is the process of adaptingproducts, organization and services to the local standards. Tobe successful quite often also distributors and agents requirea local presence. Next to increasing the service levellocalization also creates confidence in the long termcommitment of the supplier. However, prior to setting up acomplete local office with the required infrastructure andstaffing a legal entity is required. Setting up a legal entityhas various consequences resulting in overhead cost and taxissues. MCSM Services offers an intermediate solution to itsclients in which MCSM Services will act as a sales office with,if required, dedicated staff and infrastructure.
In order to support your international expansion MCSM offers several services that are all aimed at providing you with the required knowledge, skills and tools to achieve your international objectives.