In addition to being contracted toassist companies in various ways intheir international expansion we alsoare more than happy to share the“secrets” on how to becomesuccessful with you in a tailoredworkshop or training program. MCSMServices is more than happy toprovide the following workshops foryou:•Partner search•Partner management•The Golf Method•Doing business in the USA
Export Consultancy
With more than 25 years ofexperience in international businessMCSM Services offers a wealth ofexperience and an impressiveinternational network of contactsthat our clients can benefit from.Either as a sparring partner duringindividual coaching sessions or as part of a larger project MCSM Services canbe of value to companies withinternational aspirations.
MCSM & Partners ServicesSIB Program: the WTC Netherlands Alliance is a partner for the RVO in the Netherlands and as such is authorized to implement the (Starter International Business) SIB programs. The SIB program is aimed at those companies who are stillinexperienced in the international aspects of their business. Qualifying companies can receive 4-5 coaching sessions which will be paid through a voucher with avalue of Eur. 2.400,=. Roland van Marlen from MCSM Services as a WTC Trade Associate also acts as an SIB consultant. Companies interested in this service can contact MCSM Services for a freeappointment to discuss the program and how to qualify.